About Member Wizard

Designed and built for Committees by people who have served on many

Member Wizard is designed for committees by people who have served on many of them and who have a good idea of just what the job entails and how to make it easier.

Whether its a committee run by dedicated volunteers or one where people are appointed and actually paid, what every committee member has in common is a desire to manage what needs to be done without onerous amounts of time and effort.

What do Committees Need?

Broadly speaking we believe committees need an application which:

Helps grow your membership

Helps you communicate with your members

Accepts secure Credit / Debit Card payments from your members - preferably from your own website directly into your database

Keeps a record of decisions made by the organisation – a history stored safely and securely online – not in dusty boxes in a back room or garage somewhere.

Is easy to learn and to pass on to the following committee

Manages membership subscriptions with as little effort as possible

Provides a financial accounting system that is easy to audit

Is online so it can be used anywhere there is an internet connection and a connected device - even your mobile phone.

Is secure and provides accountability Is reliable and has fast personal support

Is economical and scales to your organisation

Member Wizard gives you all of these and is constantly growing and adapting to the needs of its subscribers. If you have a need or an idea that you think would help your committee and others like yours then tell us about it - we are keen to take on board any suggestions you have to offer.

How did Member Wizard come about?

Member Wizard has been developed over 10 years by a small team working in Queensland, Australia. The data is hosted on secure reputable servers - the same one used by large companies such as Amazon. Support is provided in Australia by the people who know and have a stake in the application, so we are very responsive.

Try it now - no payment or email details required

Why not check us out by clicking the Test Drive link below and visiting the records of our Sample Organisation?